Since 2011 XS Training Ltd have delivered NVQs, 18th Edition and AM2 preparation training throughout the UK and are now the UK’s number one online training provider for the NVQ 3 Electrical Installation. To be eligible to undertake these NVQ’s you must already have prior experience and qualifications and be currently working in the industry.
Upon successful completion of your NVQ qualification, you become eligible to apply for the highly prized contractors’ ECS Gold Card and JIB grading.
These NVQs are completed online with their efficient and easy to use e-Portfolio system, OneFile.
This means that you can complete the NVQ at a time of your choosing and in the comfort of your own home. Most people comfortably complete their NVQ between three and eight months.
You will be supported by a team of highly experienced trainers and assessors who will provide you with support, advice and guidance on how to successfully complete your NVQ.

The NVQ courses they currently offer include:
NVQ 2346-03 Level 3 Electrical Installation (Experienced Worker)
NVQ 2346-03 Level 3 Electrical Maintenance (Experienced Worker)
NVQ 2357 Level 3 Electrical Installation
and also the 18th Edition Course.
As well as providing ePortfolio based assessor assisted courses in all NVQ Level 3 Electrical qualifications XS Training now also offer additional online electrical courses created through our own XS Training Academy.
Courses currently available include the popular AM2/AMS2/AM2E Preparation & Revision course which has had excellent results in boosting the number of candidates passing their AM2 Practical Examination (Unit 399) at the first time of taking to over 85%.
All their online courses are based around a series of video training with a multiple-choice quiz at the end to test your knowledge and understanding.
For full details of all courses please visit the XS Training website at • • 01535 657059