With the ongoing energy cost crisis, the popularity of Solar PV installations has soared.
One of the issues associated with Solar PV installations is that of ‘nuisance tripping’, where an additional RCD or RCBO device is required.
By using Flexishield, the leading BS8436 cable, embedded in a wall at <50mm from the surface, with an MCB overcurrent device you can eliminate the requirement for the RCD or RCBO whilst remaining compliant with BS7671 regulations, specifically parts 721.531.3.5.1 (iii), 522.6.203 (ii) – 522.6.204 (i)
The following assumptions are made:
• All installations are new build TNC-S systems.
• All installations are G98 <3.68kW. (In-house, known as a Standard Install, see diagram below)
• The inverter manufacturer has provided a written statement saying ‘the inverter does not require an RCD on the supply cable’.
• Protective device for the PV system will be a maximum of C20A and the majority will be B20A.

The same principle that negates the requirement of the additional RCDs also applies to EV Charger, Air Source Heat Pump and Ground Source Heat Pump Installations.
Amokabel UK Ltd. Tel: 01623 645007 Email: enquiries@amokabel.co.uk
Units A1-A3 Ratcher Court, Ratcher Way, Crown Farm Industrial Park, Mansfield, Notts. NG19 0FS