Automatic PIR switching will be in demand more than ever with the way energy prices are going, and it can be a profitable business with the latest generation of ceiling mounted PIRs.
Leading the way are new Timeguard devices that offer more user-friendly control and capacity to control even more lighting with a single PIR switch – all at prices that will please your customers.

Most people will be familiar enough with the basics of what PIR automatic switching devices can do, but are you still selling basic specs or are you profiting from advances in technology? The days of simply detecting relatively big movements are long gone. Today’s affordable ‘extras’ include the accuracy of both motion detection and presence detection.
New flatter lenses make these new PIR occupancy detectors as attractive to interior designers as they are to contractors. With Timeguard’s trusted brand assurance, these stylish, energy saving devices are easy to install, can be relied on to perform to specification, and will give many years of trouble-free service.
Motion is detected over a 12m field with more-sensitive presence detection over a 3m diameter. Adjusting time ON, sensitivity and lux level is straightforward, (see picture) and the new flat-lens design is available for flush or ceiling mounting. They will switch up to 600W LED lighting or a 250W fan and can be wired in parallel to tailor coverage for individual spaces.
You can also offer the option of absence detection. While presence detection is fully automated – where switching on and off are both done without user intervention – absence detection is semi-automated. People switch the light on manually at the wall switch and then, as with presence detection, the lights turn off automatically when the area is vacated. So, for instance, lights in classrooms, meeting rooms or break out areas won’t switch on just because someone walked by or popped in just to pick something up from the desk. Within the Timeguard range, both options ae available from a single device, making choosing the right specification for a flexible workspace easier
See the full range at
New flatter lenses make these new PIR occupancy detectors as attractive to interior designers as they are to contractors. With Timeguard’s trusted brand assurance, these stylish, energy saving devices are easy to install, can be relied on to perform to specification, and will give many years of trouble-free service.
Motion is detected over a 10m field with more-sensitive presence detection over a 3m diameter. Adjusting time ON, sensitivity and lux level is straightforward, (see picture) and the new flat-lens design is available for flush or ceiling mounting. They will switch up to 600W LED lighting or a 250W fan and can be wired in parallel to tailor coverage for individual spaces.
See the full range at